Victorian Playhouse - the roof

1 - 2 - 3 - 4

Victorian Playhouse - Roof System

Step4: This roof is a standard gable roof running the 10 foot length of the house (1), with an additional gable attached to cover 4' x 5' addition on the right side. (2)

All roof pitches are 12/12.

The only unusual framing detail about this roof is the 4 inch overhang at location "C". See below for the framing technique used to form the 4" overhang of the gable.

Gingerbread and trim Attic detail Roof rafter

Drawing above represents the gable overhang framing. The 6 inch roof overhang is separate and is in addition to this gable overhang.

Roof overhang can be built by overhanging the roof sheathing 6 inches past the last roof rafter and attaching a 2 x 6 Fascia board (E) as shown on the photo above.

The Porch Roof is framed using standard hip roof techniques. You will determine the individual board lengths, special cuts and angles needed as you frame this roof system. The roof pitch is not critical. It falls 1 foot from the house to the gutter line.

Now on to the exterior trim details
